For the next few weeks I'm participating in a very cool weather blog project -- a photographer from Turkey and myself will be shooting and responding to each other about the weather and mood...
There is always talk about copyright and what it means to own and share and cut and paste words and images.
I am a photographer and a poet. My feeling is that quite a bit of this conversation has to do with the fact that artists are not paid in this country -- that payment gets wrapped up in respect and worth -- and that it gets bloody tiring not having enough money to do the things that we would like to be more comfortable or for our children.
I also think art is necessary to existence. It is too hard to be in the company of art, and if we can spread some bit of it, then that is a gift of this medium. "The best that we can do, when we are fortunate enough to do it, is share and share and share." Thank you to the poet friend who first said this to me. This is my philosophy of art. This is my philosophy of life.
I think it is important to credit and link -- it is important to try not to twist another's intentions -- but I am going to keep putting photos and poems on this blog.
If you see something of yours here and you would like me to take it down, please let me know. I will be happy to oblige and offer my humble apologies for any offense.
I am a media specialist focused on helping parents and students navigate communications in a civic fashion. I have an MsJ in Journalism from Northwestern University and an MFA in Poetry. I am the mother of two children. I am Editor and Publisher of Tuesday; An Art Project.