Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cooking For One

Well, a year of yoga was amazing. It taught me so much. And the practice has become part of my life. 

But it is time for the blog to grow and change. This is a project for me about my own writing -- my own creativity and exploration. With each year I learn about myself -- about my own writing -- and about the process of project.

This years' project is called 

Eating For One. See -- I'm advancing -- it has a title. I think it might be a book... shhhh... don't tell.

For a very long time, I said to myself, "I never want to be a person who cooks." Now, I suppose I will have to spend some time exploring that idea -- but in this moment I would rather just shake my head at the person I was... young and... young. 

I love to cook. I love to cook for a lot of people. Harder for me is cooking just for me. And I think this has a lot to do with how I am at being alone. I grew up alone -- a lot... on 17 acres of woods... surrounded by silence. I marvel sometimes that that experience didn't make being alone easy now...
but it didn't. It was hard then...

I would like to make friends with it now. 

That's what these years have been about! That's the thread! Making friends with things that are in my life that I want to understand better -- that I can't get away from -- that I feel the need to become intimate with... very different pursuits -- oil, yoga, cooking... but how I live in the world -- how we experience what surrounds us -- what we live inside of -- that's what I'm doing here... 

All the photos this year will be mine.