Monday, March 26, 2012

Walking Shivasana

So - -I get these really goofy updates from Yoga Journal. They are trite, and new-agey – and sometimes nice little reminders in the morning – like the note on my phone to remind me to call the dentist for my daughter this morning…

Anyway – this morning it talked about yoga as a practice for life. This is not a new concept – but I think I like it a lot because of the play on the word practice. It talked, too, about listening – not making wrong choices – like doing a resting practice when you are feeling lethargic – or not doing a rigorous practice when you are tired or weak… So this morning I set as my intention to do the type of practice right for me today… I set as my intention to listen.

In my life, I feel that things are very unpredictable. I keep wandering into situations which then change unpredictably – rules and contracts change without my say – they disrupt. And I’ve been upset by this all weekend. These are big things -- hard things -- heartbreaking things, and issues of safety.

So I did a more rigorous vinyasa than usual. Power. Movement. Then I worked on handstand (I can kick up!). Then my headstand practice.

As I moved up into headstand, I felt strong. I wavered moving up, but also felt the strength that allowed the posture despite fluctuation. Sweet Teacher always says that it’s after the third minute that a change – heat and release – happens in the posture. Today was going to be the day…

Then the dog started barking at me. She started circling me. I had to tell her no three times. But I felt my neck had moved slightly – so I came down. She lay down, but not serenely. I did a counter pose – then a hip opener. She started getting more and more agitated. I had to do the second side of the hip opener, but could only keep her  calm by scratching her nose as I stretched…

And then the practice was over. 

I decided I would try to do a walking Shivasana…
because, of course, this is where my practice and my life is right now.
You can listen or not – but it’s easier just to notice that the strength is there – to lift up and to come down despite the fluctuations…

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